As 2016 draws to a close, it's a good time to reflect on all we have to be thankful for. Here's what some of our fellow GCB'ers are giving thanks to:
“I’m thankful for GCB as it provides a space where you know everyone and know who you are working with.” –Brad, Shen Lab
“I’m thankful for the entire GCB crew!” –Anna, You Lab
“I’m thankful for my mom and dad, and I’m excited to go to Grandma’s house to open gifts.” –Future GCB’er Dustin Lyons, age 6
“I’m thankful for good health and for waking up every morning.” –Kaia Quinn, Research Tech II in the Sequencing and Genomic Technologies shared resource
“I’m thankful to be alive and to have this job.” –Greg Wray, Director of GCB
“I’m thankful for the awesome GCB faculty and staff!” – Alice, Chi Lab
“I’m thankful for the cohesive environment in GCB.” –Rui, Gersbach Lab
“I’m thankful for the GCB Admin team for the support.” – Jennifer, Gersbach Lab
“I’m thankful for the opportunity to be the new director of the Sequencing and Genomic Technologies shared resource.” –Nicolas Devos, Director of SGT
“I’m thankful for the great people I work with.” – Wendy Parris, Research Analyst II in the Sequencing and Genomics Technology shared resource
“I’m thankful for the team building experiences we have in GCB.” –Jen Foreman, Financial Analyst II
“I’m thankful for cold weather!” – Luke, Reddy Lab
“I’m thankful for my lab crew!” –Linda, Reddy Lab
“I’m thankful for to work in such a nice environment.” Graham, Reddy Lab
“I’m thankful to be done grading microbiology finals for the semester!” – Tony, Buchler Lab
“I’m thankful for our new sequencer.” Lawrence David
"I'm thankful that I can be home with my family for the holidays." --Raluca Gordan
“I’m thankful for our new lab space that will allow us to better serve the Duke community, and I’m thankful to have such a great group of scientists to work with.” Arthur Moseley, Director of the Proteomics and Metabolomics shared resource
“I’m thankful for friends to share the good times with and comfort you in the bad times." --Firas, David Lab
"I'm thankful for GCB socials because I can talk about science and still be cool." --Andrew, former GCB Summer Scholar
"I"m thankful for all of the amazing people doing really awesome research." John Bradley, Scientific Applications Programmer for the Computational Solutions shared resource
"I'm thankful for my PI and others in GCB who have helped me settle in and learn all sorts of new and cool things." Lingyou, Wray Lab
Want to see more photos from the GCB Holiday Social? Check out our album on Shutterfly: https://gcbholidaysocial.shutterfly.com/