
The Division of Integrative Genomics, led by Andrew Allen, PhD, serves as the academic home for genomics researchers within the School of Medicine and is one of three divisions in the Department of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics . Integrative Genomics encompasses broad expertise, representing the spectrum of genomic sciences. The division currently includes  20 research-oriented faculty members, as well as numerous postdoctoral associates, bioinformaticians, PhD students, and lab research staff. The expertise of this dynamic and effective group spans the discipline with expertise in evolutionary and population genomics, functional genomics, prediction modeling, medical genetics, computational immunology, systems biology and integration of omics data, statistical and computational genomics, and genomic technology development.

Beyond leading a diverse, externally-funded research portfolio, division faculty are actively engaged with institutional initiatives and programs, including:

  • Leadership and membership roles in the Duke Cancer Institute and Duke Molecular Physiology Institute, Center for Statistical Genetics and Genomics, and Center for Human Systems Immunology;

  • Leadership and teaching roles in the Biostatistics, Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, and University Program in Genetics and Genomics; and

  • Membership roles with the, Center for Advanced Genomic Technology, Precision Genomics Collaboratory, and Duke Microbiome Center.

Researchers & Interests

The Integrative Genomics division consists of faculty, researchers and students with expertise spanning dry to wet labs. Members of the division have primary appointments with the Department of Biostatistics & Bioinformatics and coalesce around a common interest in genetics and genomics. The group partners with researchers within the division, as well as with external collaborators, to develop novel computational methods and genomic approaches to advance our understanding of the genome and ultimately contribute to the “genomic revolution.”

Members of the division represent research interests spanning the field of genomics. Whether working independently or collaboratively, the group strives to promote genomic research and contribute to a rich academic environment for investigators and trainees.

We invite you to learn more about the people in our division and specific interests of the group.