Research Roundup: February 2019


Here are summaries of a selection of the papers published by GCB faculty in February 2019:


Doug Marchuk was part of a team that conducted a study to determine important genes, functions and networks contributing to the pathobiology of cerebral cavernous malformations from transcriptomic analysis.

Marchuk was also part of a team that investigated a more aggressive treatment for cerebral cavernous malformations (CCM) in murine models using with fasudil, simvastatin, and higher dose atorvastatin. Their results support the exploration of proof of concept effect of high-dose atorvastatine on human CCM disease for potential therapeutic treatment. 

Charlie Gersbach and team has shown that a single systemic treatment using CRISPR genome editing technology can safely and stably correct a genetic disease -- Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) -- for more than a year in mice, despite observed immune responses and alternative gene editing outcomes. Read more


Using both the Dunedin Longitudinal Study and the Environmental Risk Study, Avshalom Caspi and Terrie Moffit worked with a team to construct a polyepigenetic DNA methylation score that indexes smoking behavior. This index can be used for various purposes in population health research. Read more
