Research Roundup: June 2018


Here are summaries of a selection of the papers published by GCB faculty in June 2018:


Doug Marchuk and team analyzed two different types of murine models to attempt to determine which model is more useful in analyzing cerebral cavernous malformations lesions both at the formation of the lesion and throughout the maturation of the lesion. Read more

Lawrence David and team assessed how antibiotics change redox state and how this contributes to post-antibiotic succession. Read more


Bruce Donald and team present new ways to both represent and visualize correlated interdomain motions. This work will allow the dissection the dynamic structural components of functionally important intermolecular interactions. Read more


Amy Schmid and team characterize how sugar uptake and use is regulated in a species that lives in high salinity. Read more


Xiling Shen and his graduate student Bradley Barth reviewed he recently developed biophysical models of electrically-active cells in the gastrointestinal system that contribute to motility. They focus on recent models that are laying the groundwork for modeling electrical stimulation of the gastrointestinal system. Read more
