The Applied Biostatistics Seminar Series consists of a series of talks with the primary purpose of furthering statistical knowledge on an applied level.
Talks will focus on advances in biostatistical methods and statistical programming techniques and their translation into addressing biomedical research questions. The seminars are open to all members of the Duke community, but primarily geared toward applied statistical researchers.

Machine Learning for Uncertainty with Application to Causal Inference
Tianhui Zhou, PhD Candidate

Improving the Data Analytic Toolbox for Digital Monitoring and Intervention Studies
Walter Dempsey, PhD, Assistant Professor - Statistics, University of Michigan
SPARK Seminar Series: Medical Imaging AI: Where do we go from here?
Pranav Rajpurkar, PhD; Assistant Professor of Biomedical Informatics, Harvard Medical School with host Maciej Mazurowski, PhD; Associate Professor in Radiology, Duke University