B&B Faculty Huiman Barnhart Contributes Her Expertise In Wiley Statistics Reference

Dr. Huiman Barnhart was invited by the Editorial Board of Wiley StatRef: Statistical Reference Online (WRS) to contribute/update an article on assessing agreement, given the ongoing interest in this topic.  After going through the review process, a new article, “A Review on Assessing Agreement” authored by Dr. Barnhart,  was recently published on February 15, 2018 in WRS.  In this article, Dr. Barnhart provided authoritative and comprehensive review on agreement concepts and their corresponding agreement indices, developed for assessing agreement among measurements made on the same subject or experimental unit. The emphasis was on the intuitive understanding of concepts and on insights into both controversies and appropriate applications for continuous and categorical data. Four examples with either continuous or categorical measurements are used for illustration and discussion. 

Wiley StatsRef: Statistics Reference Online is a rigorous and comprehensive online reference resource that is fully-cross-referenced and searchable online. It covers the fundamentals and applications of statistics in all fields where it is widely used. This is the most inclusive, authoritative, online reference source available in statistics. 
