Faculty Xiaofei Wang, PhD, was recently named a 2021 Fellow of the American Statistical Association (ASA). He joins eleven other members of the B&B Department as an ASA Fellow.
Dr. Wang was recognized at the 2021 Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM) “For original contributions in developing methodology in clinical trials, biomarker validation and comparative effectiveness research; for impactful collaboration in oncology; for dedication to dissemination of statistical knowledge; and for outstanding service to the profession.” The awards ceremony was held during the ASA President’s Address and Founders and Fellows Recognition.
Statisticians are chose for the title of ASA fellow based on their contributions to the profession, to the association, and to society at large. To be selected, nominees must have an established reputation and have made outstanding contributions to statistical science.
Dr. Wang is a full professor. His research interests include Design and Analysis of Clinical Trials, Nonparametric and Semiparametric Methods, Survival Analysis, Causal Inference, Statistical Methods for Diagnostic and Predictive Medicine, and Biomarker Discovery and Validation. He has received multiple grants as PI and co-PI from the NIH and other organizations focusing on designs and statistical methods of clinical trials in oncology.
Congratulations, Xiaofei!