Ryan Butcher is a second-year student in the Master of Biostatistics program. He is from Madison, West Virginia. Butcher earned his undergraduate degree from Marshall University, where he majored in statistics.
What first sparked your interest in biostatistics?
I studied statistics and mathematics in my undergrad and had a lot of experience with theory, but wasn't sure where I wanted to apply it. An advisor told me about biostatistics and how a growing field is applying statistical methods to public health. It seemed really interesting, and I decided to continue with it.
What attracted you to the Master of Biostatistics program at Duke?
Initially, it was Duke University overall and the biostatistics program's prestigious reputation. The more I talked to faculty and learned what all the program had to offer, the more I fell in love with it. There are so many great opportunities and I love the university as a whole.
What do you enjoy most about this program?
I really enjoy the collaborative nature of the program, between both peers and faculty.
What are some of your favorite classes?
Applied Biostatistics I and II and Generalized Linear Models have been my favorite classes.
What's the most challenging aspect of the program?
Coursework can be heavy at times, if you decide to do research too then your plate can get full at times. However, it is very manageable.
Did you participate in a summer internship?
I spent the summer at Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, partly in NJ and partly remote. The company was great. It was very valuable experience that I was glad to be a part of.
What type of work did you do for your internship?
I was a statistical programming intern. I performed a lot of data cleaning, creating datasets, deriving variables, and creating outputs.
What advice do you have for incoming students?
The faculty members are very open and helpful. Utilize them and other resources!
What type of work do you see yourself doing in the future?
I don't have one specific field that I've decided to go into, but I have enjoyed my time in industry, and am also interested in academia.
What do you like to do outside of work?
I like to golf, exercise, go to Duke sporting events, and hang out with friends.