Dr. Xiaofei Wang has received a four-year NIH/NIA R01 grant as the multi-PI on developing methods combining clinical trials and real-world evidences studies for better treatment effect evaluation, with applications to cancer treatment in elderly patient population and other rare patient populations. This project is jointly led by Dr. Shu Yang (Statistics, NC-State) and Dr. Xiaofei Wang (Biostatistics & Bioinformatics, Duke) with additional statistical and medical investigators from NC-State, Duke and Stanford.
The project is inviting applications for a full-time postdoctoral fellow and a PhD student candidate to conduct research on causal inference and analytic methods for integrating data from multiple sources. The postdoctoral fellow and the PhD student will be jointly supervised by Dr. Shu Yang and Dr. Xiaofei Wang. The task involves methods and theory development and applications. To forge a closer collaboration with statistical and medical investigators, the successful applicants will be assigned offices in NC-State and Duke and will spend time at both institutes. For more details regarding to these positions, please contact Xiaofei at xiaofei.wang@duke.edu