On Oct. 22-23 more than 160 participants from across the country attended the Duke Industry Statistics Symposium. It was held at the Trent Semans Center on the Duke Campus.
The first day of the event led off with 4 well attended half day short courses. On Friday, Biostats Department Chair Liz Delong and Rene Kubiak, Head of US Statistics at Boehringer Ingelheim gave welcoming remarks. Dr. Yi Tsong from the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) of the Food and Drug Administration gave the keynote address on Duality of significance tests and confidence intervals in drug development.
The welcoming and keynote was followed by nine sessions that offered 30 presentations, in addition to a poster session, and a closing panel discussion. There were over 15 posters presented at the Symposium. Prizes for best posters were awarded to Hyang Kim from Parexel and Laine Thomas of the Biostat Department. Two Biostats Masters students, Tongrong Wang and Meng Chen also received poster awards.