Summer Scholars Program in Genome Sciences & Medicine

The Summer Scholars Program in Genome Sciences and Medicine is supported by an R25 grant by the National Human Genome Research Institute at NIH. This annual 10-week program is designed for full-time first- and second-year underrepresented in STEM students at any college or university. The 2024 Summer Scholars Program will be held May 20 - July 26.

Meet the 2024 Summer Scholars

Program Mission

To provide a high-quality mentored training experience for underrepresented underclassmen to gain the experience, knowledge and skills to pursue and successfully complete a major in a STEM field and prepare for a job or higher learning in a STEM-related field.

three summer scholars quote their top successes - text version available below

Text version of graphic

Program Description

**Plans may be subject to change due to University policies in response to the COVID-19 mandate**

Students interested in careers in genome sciences and medicine will need a strong foundation of core genome sciences, technology and interdisciplinary training. The Summer Scholars Program in Genome Sciences and Medicine provides opportunities for students to learn fundamental laboratory skills in genome science through mentored research, enhance critical thinking and reading skills, conduct literature reviews, and prepare presentations of their research findings.

Students will learn first-hand what it is like to conduct biomedical research. The experiences they gain, such as how to design a research project, how to carry out necessary experiments to achieve project goals and test hypotheses, what appropriate lab etiquette entails, and how to effectively present work to peers, will be applicable to any biomedical research setting. Remote research in data science, statistics and programming may be possible.

These research experiences are complemented, if permitted, by interactive learning activities including meeting with researchers at Duke, NCCU and companies in Research Triangle Park to learn about career options in genome sciences and medicine. Students, if allowed, will also attend weekly discussions on ethical, legal, social and policy issues related to genome sciences.

Students will receive campus housing and a $5,125 stipend.

Meet our Mentors

Student Eligibility

This program is designed for underrepresented students currently in their first or second year of undergraduate study:

  • Individuals from racial and ethnic groups that have been shown by the National Science Foundation to be underrepresented in health-related sciences on a national basis: Blacks or African Americans, Hispanics or Latinos, American Indians or Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders.
  • Individuals with disabilities, defined as those with a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, as described in the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
  • Individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds, defined as those from a family with an annual income below the established thresholds or individuals from an educational environment such as that found in certain rural or inner-city environments that has inhibited the individual from obtaining the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to develop and participate in a research career
  • Applicants must be U.S. citizens

Program Directors

Susanne Haga
Associate Director of Education, GCB
Associate Professor
304 Research Dr. Box #90141, Durham, NC 27708
(919) 684-0325

Greg Wray
Director of GCB
Professor of Biology
Professor of Evolutionary Anthropology
(919) 684-6696

Julia Walker
Senior Program Coordinator
(919) 668-6498