GCB News

ATTRACTing scientists to Duke to study vascular biology and stroke

On Thursday, October 11, Doug Marchuk will host an all-day meeting with seven other project leaders from the Leducq Foundation Network, ATTRACT: Arterial flow as an attractor for endothelial cell migration. Marchuk is serving as the North American coordinator on this grant. During the meeting, each project leader will present their current research for the project.

Summer springs into fall opportunity

Thousands of professionals are using discoveries in genomics, genetics and medicine to revolutionize the world. Students interested in careers in genome sciences and medicine need a strong foundation of core genome sciences, technology and interdisciplinary training.

New undergrad course offers comprehensive overview of genome science tech

Greg Wray and Susanne Haga are co-teaching a new undergraduate course this fall called Current Technologies in Genomics and Precision Medicine  (BIO325/MGM325). The course aims to provide a comprehensive overview of genome science technologies, analytical tools, clinical applications, and related issues. Students will gain exposure to a range of technologies currently used in research and some in clinical practice, as well as the tools to interrogate the large data-sets generated by these technologies.

Research Roundup: July - August 2018

Here are summaries of a selection of the papers published by GCB faculty in July and August 2018:


The Reddy lab, in collaboration with Charlie Gersbach and Greg Crawford, investigated what controls interactions between glucocorticoid receptor binding sites and their target genes. Read more