The 2021 Duke-Industry Statistics Symposium (DISS2021) will be hosted online from April 21-23, 2021. This year's theme is: "Emerging Clinical Initiatives in Pharmaceutical Development.”
The original program schedule of short courses, keynote addresses, and parallel sessions remain unchanged. The schedule will begin with eight short courses on the first day. Short courses include: Data Monitoring Committee I and II; Multiple Endpoints; Reproducible Computation at Scale in R; Randomized Phase II Trials, Multiple Endpoints; Adaptive Designs and Artificial Intelligence in Health Research.
Fees for the symposium and short courses have been reduced. The symposium registration fees are $300 with all events included, and all half-day short course fees are $300 per session. For those who have not registered for the symposium or the short courses, please visit https://sites.duke.edu/diss/register/ to complete your registration.
This year graduate students or postdoctoral scholars who are currently affiliated with a university and with a major in statistics, biostatistics, or bioinformatics are invited to attend the keynotes, parallel sessions, Job fair and Poster session without charge. Students should contact Dr. Anna Maria Masci at annamaria.masci@duke.edu to provide proof for their identity and receive a promo code for complimentary registration to the symposium.
Poster with topics that involve the use of quantitative methods in pharmaceutical developments are invited. The deadline for submission is April 7, 2021. Information on poster session and abstract submission can be found at https://sites.duke.edu/diss/poster-session/. For any questions regarding poster session, please contact Dr. Qing Yang at qing.yang@duke.edu or Dr. Marlina Nasution at marlina.nasution@parexel.com.