GCB News

Research Roundup: June 2020

Here are summaries of a selection of the papers published by GCB faculty in June 2020:


Andrew Allen collaborated with Fan Li of the Yale School of Public Health to revisit their weighting-based estimator to offer new insights and methodological extensions. Read more 

Wait for it…MicDrop

We know fiber is good for us and is an important part of our diet. One way to get more fiber in our diets is to take fiber supplements, and if we take fiber supplements, our microbiome is going to love us.

But do fiber supplements really make a difference to our microbiome? The fact is that everyone’s microbiome is different. Each of us has upwards of 100 different types of bacteria in our microbiome, and one person’s bacteria differs substantially to another person’s bacteria. Unrelated people share no more than 30% of the same bacterial strains.

GCB to transition to center within Biostatistics and Bioinformatics

After six successful years as a member of Duke University Institutes and Centers, GCB is finding a new home in the Department of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics (B&B), and more specifically into the Division of Integrative Genomics, which is currently led by GCB faculty member Andrew Allen.

“University Institutes and Centers are not meant to last forever,” GCB Director Greg Wray said. “Once you figure out their role, you figure out where they best fit.”

Research Roundup: May 2020

Here are summaries of a selection of the papers published by GCB faculty in May 2020:


David Hsu was part of a team that developed a new therapy to treat osteosarcoma, which is now ready for canine trials. Read more

Work in the Time of COVID

The last 12 weeks have been anything but business as usual. Our new normal in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic has changed everything from what we are working on and how to who we are working with, and it has caused us to rethink the normal we once knew. While the uncertainty of this time has been stressful, some of our team members are sharing how they have been managing the changes and the lessons they’ve learned.

Not So Distant Socially

Large collaboration explores social determinants of health in humans and other social mammals.