Our team builds its success on a foundation of collaboration.
Genomics is inherently highly multidisciplinary. The Center for Combinatorial Gene Regulation leverages a long-standing and tightly coordinated, multidisciplinary research team. Together, we are working towards the highly ambitious goal of making studies of the combinatorial effects of regulatory elements and variants possible for a wide range of genetics and genomics researchers.
We invite you to reach out and collaborate with us.

In preparing for this project we investigated publication productivity from Duke’s Research Community with the assistance of Duke Medical Center Library. Librarians collected publication data for selected authors to create mapping visualizations of current topics and co-authorship networks.
Author publication data for primary investigators was retrieved from the Scopus database and imported into VOSviewer to generate a co-authorship network. 673 publications were included in the dataset retrieved on April 22, 2019. Parameters were set to require at least one publication for the author to appear in the network and only authors with at least one connection within the network were included. Authors are visualized as nodes and co-authorship is visualized as lines between the nodes. The clusters and nearness of the nodes is defined by the relatedness of the nodes or how closely tied through co-authorship. The primary investigators are highlighted in colors and the co- and sub-investigators are illustrated in a darker gray. All other network authors are shown in lighter gray.