
The Master of Biostatistics degree, a professional degree awarded by the Duke University School of Medicine, requires 44 credits of graded course work, a Practicum experience, a Proficiency Examination, and a Master’s Project for which 6 units of credit are given.

Tracks and Timeline

There are four separate tracks in the Master of Biostatistics program. These include:

Emphasizes collaborative science and will typically include statistical electives and the application of statistical methods.

Master of Biostatistics Program Track - Clinical and Translational Research

Emphasizes computation and will typically include statistical electives and additional coursework selected from topics such as workflow best practices, software tools for large biomedical data sets, and data structures and algorithms for data-intensive applications.

Master of Biostatistics Program Track - Biomedical Data Science

Emphasizes training in advanced methods in health AI for students who already have a substantial background in data science.

Master of Biostatistics Program Track - Health AI

Emphasizes preparation for doctoral study in mathematically sophisticated programs and will typically include methodologically-oriented statistical electives and demonstrated proficiency (either in coursework or by placing out) in real analysis.

Master of Biostatistics Program Track - Mathematical Statistics


All candidates for the Master of Biostatistics degree are required to complete a Practicum. The Practicum is an experiential learning opportunity. The main goal of the Practicum is to allow students to develop their analytic ability, biological knowledge, and communication skills. The Practicum is typically completed during the summer after the first year, but can be completed during the second year.

Proficiency Examination

All candidates for the Master of Biostatistics degree are required to pass a written Proficiency Examination demonstrating their mastery of fundamental concepts acquired through completion of the first-year core courses (BIOSTAT 701 – 706 inclusive). Students are expected to take the Proficiency Examination after completing the first year of study in the program and prior to beginning their elective coursework.

Master's Project (two semesters, totaling six credits)

All candidates for the Master of Biostatistics degree are required to complete a Master’s Project. Completed in the second year, the two-semester Master’s Project serves to demonstrate the student's mastery of core statistical concepts and the practice of biostatistics. Ten courses (BIOSTAT 701/701A, 702/702A, 703/703A, 704/704A, 705/705A, 706/706A, 721/721A, 722/722A or 821, 801, 802) constitute 26 credits that are required for all degree candidates.

Note: The Core foundational courses are required of all degree-seeking students. Full-time Master of Biostatistics students will select five three-credit elective courses during the second year of study.

Course Planning

First Year

[26 graded coursework credit hours]




BIOSTAT 701 (3) or
BIOSTAT 701A (3)

BIOSTAT 704 (3) or

BIOSTAT 704A (3) or

BIOSTAT 709 (3)


BIOSTAT 724 (3)


Master’s Proficiency Examination
(covers content from the first
and second semesters of training)

Practicum (may be completed at
any point after the first year)


BIOSTAT 702 (3) or

BIOSTAT 702A (3)


BIOSTAT 707 (3)

BIOSTAT 705 (3) or

BIOSTAT 705A (3)


BIOSTAT 826 (3)


BIOSTAT 703 (3) or
BIOSTAT 703A (3)

BIOSTAT 706 (3) or
BIOSTAT 706A (3)


BIOSTAT 703L (0)

BIOSTAT 722 (3) or
BIOSTAT 722A (3) 
BIOSTAT 821 (3)


BIOSTAT 721 (3) or
BIOSTAT 721A (3)

BIOSTAT 802 (1)


BIOSTAT 801 (1)



Total: 13 credit hours

Total: 13 credit hours



Second Year

[24 credit hours – Master’s project (6) plus graded coursework credit hours (18)]



BIOSTAT 720 (3)

BIOSTAT 720 (3)

+ 3 of the following:
  • BIOSTAT 707 (3)
  • BIOSTAT 710 (3)
  • BIOSTAT 713 (3)
  • BIOSTAT 719 (3)
  • BIOSTAT 732 (1-3)
  • BIOSTAT 740 (0)
  • BIOSTAT 825 (3)
  • BIOSTAT 828 (3)
  • BIOSTAT 900 (1)
  • BIOSTAT 906 (3)
  • BIOSTAT 914 (3)
  • BIOSTAT 915 (3)
  • MATH 531 (3)
  • MATH 590 (3)
  • MATH 721 (3)
  • MATH 731 (3)

 + 3 of the following:

  • BIOSTAT 708 (3)
  • BIOSTAT 709 (3)
  • BIOSTAT 718 (3)
  • BIOSTAT 724 (3)
  • BIOSTAT 725 (3)
  • BIOSTAT 732 (1-3)
  • BIOSTAT 740 (0)
  • BIOSTAT 821 (3)
  • BIOSTAT 824 (3)
  • BIOSTAT 827 (3)
  • BIOSTAT 900 (1)
  • BIOSTAT 905 (3)
  • BIOSTAT 911 (3)
  • MATH 531 (3)
  • MATH 721 (3)
  • MATH 731 (3)

Biology (3):


Computational Biology (3):

Any 500 and 600 level except

510S, 511, or 591

Computer Science (3):

Any 500 and 600 level

Environmental (3):


Global Health (3):

Global Health 562

Statistical Science (3):

Any 500 level except 501s

Any 600 level except for 693

Any 700 level except for 701S, 790, 791.

Any 800 level except for 851

Any 900 level except for 993, 994,

and 995

Biology (3):


Computational Biology (3):

Any 500 and 600 level except

510S, 511, or 591

Computer Science (3):

Any 500 and 600 level

Environmental (3):


Global Health (3):

Global Health 562

Statistical Science (3):

Any 500 level except 501s

Any 600 level except for 693

Any 700 level except for 701S, 790, 791.

Any 800 level except for 851

Any 900 level except for 993,

994, and 995

Total: 3 required credit hours plus 9 elective credit hours

Total: 3 required credit hours plus 9 elective credit hours


First Year

[26 graded coursework credit hours]




BIOSTAT 701 (3) or
BIOSTAT 701A (3)

BIOSTAT 704 (3) or
BIOSTAT 704A (3) 
BIOSTAT 709 (3)

Master’s Proficiency Examination
(covers content from  BIOSTAT 701-706)

Practicum (may be completed at
any point after the first

BIOSTAT 702 (3) or
BIOSTAT 702A (3)

BIOSTAT 705 (3) or
BIOSTAT 705A (3)


BIOSTAT 703 (3) or
BIOSTAT 703A (3)

BIOSTAT 706 (3) or
BIOSTAT 706A (3)


BIOSTAT 703L (0)

BIOSTAT 722 (3) or
BIOSTAT 722A (3) 
BIOSTAT 821 (3)


BIOSTAT 721 (3) or
BIOSTAT 721A (3)

BIOSTAT 802 (1)


BIOSTAT 801 (1)



Total: 13 credit hours

Total: 13 credit hours



Second Year

[24 credit hours – Master’s project (6) plus graded coursework credit hours (18)]



BIOSTAT 720 (3)

BIOSTAT 720 (3)

+ 3 of the following:
  • BIOSTAT 707 (3)
  • BIOSTAT 710 (3)
  • BIOSTAT 713 (3)
  • BIOSTAT 719 (3)
  • BIOSTAT 732 (1-3)
  • BIOSTAT 740 (0)
  • BIOSTAT 823 (3)
  • BIOSTAT 825 (3)
  • BIOSTAT 900 (1)
  • BIOSTAT 906 (3)
  • BIOSTAT 914 (3)
  • BIOSTAT 915 (3)
  • MATH 531 (3)
  • MATH 590 (3)
  • MATH 721 (3)
  • MATH 731 (3) 

 + 3 of the following:

  • BIOSTAT 708 (3)
  • BIOSTAT 709 (3)
  • BIOSTAT 718 (3)
  • BIOSTAT 724 (3)
  • BIOSTAT 725 (3)
  • BIOSTAT 732 (1-3)
  • BIOSTAT 740 (0)
  • BIOSTAT 821 (3)
  • BIOSTAT 824 (3)
  • BIOSTAT 900 (1)
  • BIOSTAT 905 (3)
  • BIOSTAT 911 (3)
  • MATH 531 (3)
  • MATH 721 (3)
  • MATH 731 (3)

Biology (3):


Computational Biology (3):

Any 500 and 600 level except

510S, 511, or 591

Computer Science (3):

Any 500 and 600 level

Environmental (3):


Global Health (3):

Global Health 562

Statistical Science (3):

Any 500 level except 501s

Any 600 level except for 693

Any 700 level except for 701S, 790, 791.

Any 800 level except for 851

Any 900 level except for 993, 994,

and 995

Biology (3):


Computational Biology (3):

Any 500 and 600 level except

510S, 511, or 591

Computer Science (3):

Any 500 and 600 level

Environmental (3):


Global Health (3):

Global Health 562

Statistical Science (3):

Any 500 level except 501s

Any 600 level except for 693

Any 700 level except for 701S, 790, 791.

Any 800 level except for 851

Any 900 level except for 993,

994, and 995

Total: 3 required credit hours  plus 9 elective credit hours

Total: 3 required credit hours  plus 9 elective credit hours