BERD Information Flyer
This flyer is an overview of the BERD Method Core’s mission and what we do, including learning opportunities and how to start a collaboration.
Biostatistics Collaborative Process
This document illustrates the 12 phases of the biostatistics collaboration process that we follow in the BERD Methods Core.
Biostatistician Essential Skills
Based on current literature and anecdotal experience, this document outlines the essential skills that a collaborative biostatistician must possess.
Statistical Analysis Plan (SAP) Template
We developed this SAP template for staff in our group to use. The SAP template clearly outlines the aims of the project, data sources, and detailed analysis plan to test the project’s hypotheses.
Guidelines for Collecting and Sharing Data
These guidelines have been created to promote research integrity, protect patient privacy, and to make the data transfer process more efficient.
Guidance to Departments for Effort Estimation of Collaborative Biostatisticians
This document provides guidance for BERD biostatistician effort estimation. However, these guidelines should not be used as a replacement for appropriate effort estimation by a biostatistician. We recommend that these guidelines are used in conjunction with direct interaction with your biostatistics collaborator to estimate project effort.